Heaven Sent 018cropped n resized.jpg Happy Birthday Issac!  Hope your day is lots of fun.  We can't believe you are 5!  Neva and Jaxon say happy happy birthday.  and eat lots of cake!

Lil' Slugger

Jaxon and "Coach" Mike on their first day of baseball practice.

My Angel

Missing Isabelle a lot, we went through our storage and found lots of her things we thought we had lost. Including a camera with undiscovered photos, I wanted to share them

Love you!


Okay, so I'm having my first very garage sale and I am so confused as how to price things.  Just wanted to get some of your feedback.  I have a pack n play- great condition but its about 5 years old, 3 baby gates- good condition,  breast pump (double), white wood toddler bed - I think I paid 120.00 for it.

What would you girls price those things at?

Thank you for helping

Just Chillin'

Elisabeth says hi